A Message from A.L. Payne-
My name is A.L. Payne and I would like to say A BIG HOWDY to you. Having just moved to Utah, after being born and raised in Texas, I would like to tell you a little about Texas Cuisine. If you haven't tasted Texas Barbecue you are in for a real treat. We take great pride in our barbecue and I promise there is nothing else like it. Just ask around to some of your friends. Chances are you will find some who have been to Texas and experienced the unique flavor only found in authentic Texas BBQ. Well you don't have to travel to Texas to enjoy the real thing. You have my promise that this is like no other BBQ you have tasted. There are lots of Texas wannabes and impostors out there, but let BIG AL's put a smile on your face with the genuine real deal. Give us a call and I will do all I can to work with you to see that "your Guests have the best!"
Thanks again for stopping in.Y�all come back soon.
-A.L. Payne (BIG AL)